What does the course cover?
This is a 12-part course in Service Improvement based on the three pillars of service improvement.
Pillar 1: Operations Analysis
Creating a sound understanding of how your operation is working is fundamental to improving it.
You can’t fix performance if you don’t know what needs to be fixed.
The first and most important issue is to create focus, rationalising your activities onto the things that really matter.
Once you have that clarity, how do you measure performance within that focus area?
Which of the myriad of key performance indicators really are important? How do you sort the wheat from the chaff?
How do you provide performance information in a clear simple to understand format which delivers unambiguous messages?
Finally what can you do to create a repeatable rhythm of conversation about performance and improvement throughout your organisation?
Pillar 2: Process Improvement
Once you understand what the issues are that need to be resolved, how do you fix them?
There is a lot of mystique associated with process improvement, complex theories and language.
This e-learning course will take you through the key concepts and how to apply them without unnecessary jargon and bamboozling terminology.
How do you get to have your cake and eat it, creating the “magic” of improved quality and reduced cost?
What is the big idea behind Lean Thinking.
How can you explain that simply and use it to improve performance?
What was the problem solving technique that NASA used to rescue Apollo 13 and bring the crew home safely?
Once you have fixed the process, how do you make sure it stays fixed?
This course takes you through the answers to all these issues in a clear and engaging way.
Pillar 3: Employee Engagement
The backbone of any service improvement program, how do you engage your staff to do what is right for your customers, rather than just turning up to do a 9 to 5 job?
What can you do to unlock the enthusiasm of your staff and engage them in continuous service improvement?
Why trust is all important in driving improvement.
What prevents trust from developing in your organisation and how to address lack of trust and suspicion?
How targets work, what their impact is on motivation and performance.
What are the negative side effects and how to avoid them?
How do you create a virtuous spiral of engagement and improvement so that your staff members actively attack problems in a controlled and sustainable way.
Pulling it all together
Each of these three pillars reinforces the others. Together, they’re much stronger than they would be if any of the pillars were missing.