My Six Sigma’s Rapid Improvement Events deliver a speedy way of achieving traction on Improvement Activities.
My Six Sigma’s Rapid Improvement Event programs starts with the organization’s needs and brings the key people through a streamlined process, removing waste and delivering quick results.
Why Do Rapid Improvement Events Work?
- They involve all the stakeholders
- Management retains the setting of the problem to be tackled and approve the solution
- Staff work on the problem and form the solution
How Do Rapid Improvement Events Work?
- Gets everyone’s input
- Finds the root causes of the problem
- Uses a simple presentation/solution format
- Proposes a workable action plan for approval
- Decision made at the event, no lag
- Reinforces the Culture Shift
The My Six Sigma’s Rapid Improvement Events outcome shows everyone can make a difference, improvements can be quick and the people who work in the process make the improvements.
SCHEDULE A FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION TO SEE IF THIS IS RIGHT FOR YOU: https://mysixsigmatrainer.com/calendar.html
OR CALL US TODAY AT 404-793-0778