Add $10,000s to Your Salary
With Lean Six Sigma Certification!


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Pass your Certification Exam the first time With My IASSC-Accredited Lean Six Sigma Program.
Want to get Lean Six Sigma certified fast and pass your exam the first time? With a focus on experiential learning and real world skills? So you become the go-to in your organization for complex, high-level projects?
My name is Jennifer Holbus and I train, certify and mentor Lean Six Sigma Yellow, Green & Black Belts. I spent 20+ years in corporate America, and I used my Lean Six Sigma Certification first hand to go from promotion to promotion at a Fortune 500 company.
During my rise up the corporate ladder, I realized it’s no longer enough to have a great resume ‘aesthetics’. The only way to land your dream job is to demonstrate indispensable value… to prove you can produce tangible, measurable results. In the next 3 minutes, I’ll show you how.
Join 900+ Graduates Progressing Their Careers To The Next Level

Transform Your Career From ‘Second Best’ To Fortune 500 Leader
Transform Your Career From ‘Second Best’ To Fortune 500 Leader
Learn from a GE Certified Master Black Belt Instructor & course creator with valuable Experience & mastery of the practical applications of lean six sigma to real world problems
Love what Lean Six Sigma has brought to your career? If you’re a Yellow or Green Belt, you’re still just scratching the surface. A Black Belt is more than a competitive advantage – it’s a way to get results that can’t be denied.
Get Lean Six Sigma Certified With A GE Master Black Belt Mentor & Transform Your Career From ‘Second Best’ To Fortune 500 Leader
95% Of My Students Pass Their Certification The First Time – And Many Have Become Managers At Fortune 500 Companies
Many Lean Six Sigma training providers are boring cookie cutters who go through the motions (yawn!). They tick off the syllabus, stamp ‘passed’ or ‘failed’ on your certificate, and send you on your way. But as you already know, complex projects are not about applying cookie cutter solutions.
As a GE Master Black Belt, I teach Lean Six Sigma in a practical, engaging, and problem-solving oriented way. The course is 100% online and you can take it at your own pace. My students have a 95% pass rate, and they absolutely flourish when they use their newfound knowledge in the work environment. In fact, many of our graduates have gone on to become top project leaders in fortune 500 companies.
Transform Your Career From ‘Second Best’ To Fortune 500 Leader
Why Fortune 500 Companies Love You & Pay More When You’re Lean Six Sigma Certified
When I got my Black Belt certification, I noticed a transformation in my skill set (as well as my career). It wasn’t just that I became trusted with more complex projects – I actually thrived on them. I gained an understanding of leadership and team dynamics that enabled my projects to succeed with the utmost efficiency.

Reach A World Class Level Of Efficient Management With The Required Skills To Be A Successful Project Leader
The Six Sigma methodology teaches you to achieve outstanding results for your company. You’ll learn to simplify processes and make them more efficient. Instead of customers waiting 3 minutes, they’ll wait 3 seconds. Rather than 300 light bulbs damaged per million produced, only 3 are broken.
Fortune 500 companies – in fact ALL companies – love these results, because they are measurable and directly improve their bottom line. They know if they hire you, you’ll pay for yourself a hundred times over. Can other candidates say the same?
Our Students Work for companies like ...

Here’s What Becomes Possible With A Lean Six Sigma certification…

A Six Sigma Black Belt’s average salary starts at around $107,000 per year and it
goes up from there… what would a boost in salary do for you and your family?

With a Lean Six Sigma certification and the results that follow, you’ll start getting
headhunted for jobs – even at industry-leading companies and Fortune 500 giants!

I focus on experiential learning and show you how to produce measurable results
that get attention from all the right people – while working LESS hours than you do

Sick of getting passed over despite the blood, sweat and tears you give to your
career? A Lean Six Sigma Black Belt will shoot your resume straight to the top of
the pile.

With the practical skills you’ll gain, you’ll become a star in your organization and the
authority on complex projects. Executives will start asking “where have you been
Get Lean Six Sigma Certified With A GE Certified Master Black Belt Trainer/Mentor &
Transform Your Career From ‘Second Best’ To Fortune 500 Leader
Here's what's included in your lean six sigma certification...
The purpose of this step is to define and describe process components and boundaries; identify owners, customers, and other stakeholders; define and plan project scope and metrics, and define team dynamics and tools.
This step involves identifying and measuring the gap between current performance and the required performance. The measurement process is assessed, as well, to determine how accurate and precise it is.
This is when complex analysis tools, for example, the fishbone diagram, the Pareto chart and other statistical tools, are used to determine the root causes of the errors. The causes are listed and prioritized.
After identifying and analyzing the root problems, they are either improved or eliminated. Solutions are identified. If the solutions are obvious, they are implemented right away, otherwise, a detailed implementation plan is designed.
After implementing the solution, the goal is to sustain it. Usually, a control plan is documented.
Get Lean Six Sigma Certified With A GE Master Black Belt Mentor & Transform Your Career From ‘Second Best’ To Fortune 500 Leader
Achieve Your Lean Six sigma Certification In
3 Simple Steps
Save $1,225.00 On Your Lean Six Sigma Belt Bundle
For a limited time save $1,225.00 on Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and get exclusive access to BONUS Mock Exam ($150), BONUS Mock Project ($600) & BONUS Black Belt Certification ($475).
Learn The Skills Fortune 500 Companies Love
My unique take on Lean Six Sigma combines short, laser focused videos with hands on exercises to give you the experiential learning Fortune 500 companies love.
pass the certification exam & Use Lean Six Sigma To Level Up Your Career
Get a promotion… land your dream job… have ammunition to ask for a raise… Whatever your career goals, a Lean Six Sigma Certification can help you achieve them.
Get Lean Six Sigma Certified With A GE Master Black Belt Mentor & Transform Your Career From ‘Second Best’ To Fortune 500 Leader

110% Money Back Guarantee!
Six Sigma training. In the extremely unlikely event you aren’t 100%
delighted in your first 7 days, simply let me know. I’ll give you a
100% refund and a BONUS $100 to say thank you for your time!*
*T&Cs apply
Transform Your Career From ‘Second Best’ To Fortune 500 Leader
Join 900+ Graduates Progressing Their Careers To The Next Level

Transform Your Career From ‘Second Best’ To Fortune 500 Leader
Transform Your Career From ‘Second Best’ To Fortune 500 Leader
Start Your Journey To Becoming A
Certified Lean Six Sigma Belt!
CSBB – Lean Six Sigma Black Belt